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Stranded with the Groom Page 19

  When the reverend asked Katie if she would take Justin to be her lawfully wedded husband—to love him, to honor and to cherish him for as long as they both should live—Katie, so often soft-spoken, especially in crowds, answered loud and clear.

  “I will.” Her brown eyes shone. Her face was suffused with a glow of pure joy.

  After the vow-sealing kiss, the party began, right there in the hall. Montana Gold, a band of local boys, took the stage and a generous buffet, laid out on long tables, eased the appetites of the assembled guests. Beer was limited, as per the bride’s instructions.

  But there was champagne, and it flowed freely. When the band took its first break, the toasting began. Caleb was delivering a long speech about true love and happiness and getting through the tough times, when Cameron Stevenson’s seven-year-old, Erik, sneaked up on the stage and started banging on the keyboards. Caleb sent a quelling look over his shoulder at the boy, who quickly moved on to the drums. With a crashing sound, the high hat tumbled to the stage.

  Cam went after Erik, then, and led him off, but everyone laughed and burst into raucous clapping and catcalls.

  After the toasts and speeches, Katie and Justin cut the enormous cake. As Adele supervised the cake distribution, the band took over again for a second set.

  Several men pitched in to push the tables back against the wall and Caleb led Katie out on the floor. They danced, but not for long. Justin cut in.

  As the citizens of Thunder Canyon applauded the bride and groom’s first dance, Justin whispered, “Happy?”

  Katie looked up at him, all her love shining in her eyes. “Happy doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

  He pulled her closer. She settled her head against his shoulder. Other couples joined them, filling the floor.

  When that dance ended, the band swung into another number. Katie stayed where she wanted to be: held close in Justin’s loving arms. The band played on. They danced every dance.

  It was no time at all until Montana Gold announced their second break. Justin took Katie’s hand and led her to the sidelines, where a special table had been set up specifically for the bride and groom and family.

  Adele was just serving them each a piece of cake, when Cam Stevenson edged his way toward them through the milling crowd.

  One look at Cam’s too-pale face, and Katie knew there was trouble.

  Cam bent down to ask her, “Have you seen Erik?”

  She shook her head. “But he’s probably out in the foyer. I saw a bunch of the kids heading that way.”

  “No. He’s not there. I looked.”

  “Did you look—?”

  “Everywhere, damn it. I’ve been all through the building.”

  Justin was already on his feet. “Come on. Let’s look again. He can’t have gone far….”

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Christine Rimmer for her contribution to the MONTANA MAVERICKS: GOLD RUSH GROOMS series.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8755-0


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  * The Jones Gang

  †Conveniently Yours

  ** The Sons of Caitlin Bravo

  ††Viking Brides

  §Bravo Family Ties